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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Yay, my first follower

First of all, I want to say that because of the immense frostiness outside I wasn't able to blog more often. Why? Because my brain doesn't work properly when it's so cold outside. Of course I dream about living in a winteresque city, but that's a different story.

Now, onto business...

Moon. That's the title of the movie I saw a few days back.
What can I say about the movie in a few words?- movie of the year [2009].
And no, really, that's my pick for the best movie award of 2009. Sam Rockwell was great portraying himself, a lone station worker on the Moon, his clone, and... well, his other clones. The scenes of him driving on the surface of the Moon, getting sick, trying to find the truth and crashing into a combine were outstanding which leads us to another great point of the movie- the CGI. The CGI was the real-deal in this piece of art, the scenes where the Moon was shown were simply abnormal, if I wasn't aware of the great modern effects, I would seriously think that it was made on the Moon itself. Another thing why I watched this movie was, of course, Kevin Spacey. He played small, but important role- he did a voiceover for GERTY, the help computer on the moon station, which kind of reminded me of Kubrick's HAL-9000 from the "2001: A Space Odyssey", but without the crappy singing sequence. GERTY played really important role to the whole movie, he did the little things, but as we know, the little things are the biggest things. He helped, he was a friend and a mom, and an assistant. He was everything. Also, I loved the Clint Mansell's movie score, it was simply immense. Just listen to this:

Mind=blown, right?
Bravo Sam, Kevin, Clint and Duncan, you made a masterpiece.

On another note, I went to the airport today and it turned into quite an adventure. First of all, a policeman really strangely looked at me, almost started staring at me, that freaked me out. Then, waiting for the bus to the airport, I was of course questioned by a homeless guy and a woman who needed money for the eye operation. To top that off, there were yokels (?) at the bus station horselaughing their asses off and speaking very loudly in some sort martian dialect. And to top that off, I was freezing to death there, I had to wait for the damn bus for damn 25 minutes. My fingers and toes hurt more than a wound shot with M1 Garand. Also, my mom went nuts at the airport as out bag was overweightened and we missed the baggage registration leading to me taking the baggage home alone. Gr8.

By the way, I can honorably say that I've got my first follower. Congrats, you've won... this:


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