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What happens when you fall in love?
Last FM

Thursday, December 10, 2009

kewl, I forgot to title this

Haven't had any posts here in quite a while. I know, I know you might ask why am I even showing up here at this very present moment? Or say that you thought that I've died eating super cold pizza or listening to an awful song or something else. But no, nothing happened in my miserable life. I had my ups and downs, just as they say- I didn't feel like posting or writing in general, but now I'm here, making up for everything not written and everything not laughed about to every follower of mine. Who cares that there's a total number of 0 (zero, nil, none) followers for this blog? Nobody, that's just what I thought. I should write something about what's been going on in my life now, though my inspiration for this is falling apart at the speed of light. So first of all, on the December first, I fought a lion in our very own yard, now I have no idea how did he get here, but I can tell you one thing- I beat the living crap out of him. You know, I used my falcon punch and then my very special attack of being boring to death. That'll show those suckers to come to my god damned yard, bitches. And you know what's the most surprising thing I've done in this mean time? I spoke with A GIRL. YEAAHH, didn't see that coming out of me, did you? No, I am serious I even went up there to speak with her, of course, after she saw my charmingness and heard my super manly voice, she had a panic attack, but it really doesn't matter now, because I've achieved a real milestone in my life now. Who knows what's coming next? A full sentence to a girl? Maybe even two or three? Or maybe even a conversation? It's up to me now, no wonder I felt bat-tastic after that. Today, on the other hand was my worst nightmare day. My basketball skill dropped like a gazillion times, I couldn't get a single bucket today (I did get 2 to be honest), I had my pessimism attack today, I was pretty bad-mooded today (yes, I'm a very moody person). I just have those days (mostly all of the time I breath) when I feel lonely and you know what? I just have one quote for this in my stock.

People don't realize this, but loneliness is underrated.
- Tom Hansen
Pretty much true, this is.
But you know what's the good thing about this? I came to a conclusion of what I really love.
It's the architecture, the thing I've loved always, but never acknowledged in a major way. I think it's about time I start going my own path in my life, not the usual busy highway.

By the way, I never knew there was a new Stereophonics album coming out. GR8 SUCCESS

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